Smile Design
full-arch dental bridges
Invisible braces
for teeth
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Dental Office Warsaw Wola

TD Studio - Aesthetic Dentistry, Implants, Prosthetics

The “first impression” effect can only be made once. Willingly or unwillingly, in a way independent of us, we shape our image in the other person. Most often, its result consists of: voice, choice of words, facial expressions, gestures, but above all appearance, and here we must not forget about the smile, which is so important in interpersonal contacts. In many cases, a white smile is the determinant of the first impression, and mainly – the condition of our teeth. Nice teeth combined with a well-groomed face is not only our business card, but also a supplement to better well-being, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Modern aesthetic dentistry as well as orthodontics, implantology and prosthetics can solve many problems and effectively remedy them. Hence, among other things, the mission of our dental clinic in Warsaw has become to restore a nice, aesthetic smile, smile design taking into account the individual needs and expectations of each patient – children and adults. Our main assumption is constant self-improvement, continuous improvement of professional qualifications through dental training and courses and implementation of the most modern methods of working with the patient, which are used by renowned dental clinics around the world. The dental office Tłuczewicz Dental Studio is our work, which we sign with our own name.

Dentistry Warsaw Wola

higienizacja i profilaktyka stomatologiczna

Skaling, piaskowanie, pozwalają usunąć kamień nazębny. Fluoryzacja, lakowanie i polerowanie zębów chronią przed próchnicą.

protetyka stomatologiczna

Rekonstrukcja, reimplantacja, wstawianie wybitego, złamanego zęba. Uzupełnienia protetyczne inlay, onlay, endokorona, mosty stomatologiczne.

stomatologia estetyczna

Korygowanie kształtu zębów ukruszonych, pękniętych, nierównych. Licówki kompozytowe, pełnoceramiczne zębów.

implanty warszawa

Implanty zębowe wykonane z tytanu lub cyrkonu, osadzane są w kości szczęki lub żuchwy. W ten sposób odtwarza się utracony korzeń i odbudowuje koronę.


Check out how the smiles have changed
our patients.

podwyższenie wysokości zwarcia zębówbruksizm warszawa
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